Monday, May 30, 2011

the diva ....

Here she is friends, the DIVA of our feathered family members. Yes, it is true that she will produce the coolest eggs, but really does the attitude have to start long before those beauties arrive? Well, it seems it does.
She does however love one person and you can see her little hand in this picture.

Aside from the fact that Lizzie is going to produce the coolest eggs, there is one other reason that I can accept her moody behavior. Take a peek at this picture:
To see anything this little lady has to tilt her head to see past those feathers under her eyes. That would make me moody too!

I will leave you with one final thought ...
Thank goodness strawberries are going to be in season soon!! Wow, the ladies LOVE them!

                              Have a HAPPY day friends!

Friday, May 27, 2011

hello ladies ....

Take a peek at this picture and then I will fill you in on something neat about chickens:

Can you see Lizzie at the door to her coop? Guess why she came to that door? Every morning I say "hello ladies" from the distance you can see here and every morning the ladies come to that door excited to greet me. I think they are hoping I am going to let them roam the yard, but it isn't time for that quite yet. Really I had no idea that chickens would like people so much. However, Lizzie is still very much the diva and most often if you are in the coop with her she will stand on the other side, but Sam (sweet, sweet Sam) and Maxine are quite social. And it is quite a sight!


I will try and get a picture of the diva soon. I am sure she will ask for some makeup and hair time first. Haha!

                          Have a happy day friends!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

it's really a beautiful place to be ....

Sometimes when life gets really crazy I like to take a few moments to sit and look at beautiful things. This blog post is going to be dedicated strictly to the sights of a very special and beautiful place. So just sit, relax and enjoy the wonder of life and the beauty of nature.


a mama protecting
her babies

Have a happy day friends!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


One early morning I opened our shades to see something that actually took my breath away.

And for a couple of months I have seen these two fly together in our backyard making beautiful mourning dove music, but I had never seen where they were living or would choose to make their nest until yesterday. And it was yesterday that again my breath was taken away.
Building a home
While the mama dove was busy creating her nest and what looked like to me to be preparing to lay her eggs, the daddy dove sat patiently with a watchful eye above her. This is what I love most about the mourning doves, their togetherness in life. That from the moment they decide they are "it" for each other they work together to make their home, feed each other, protect one another and their babies. In fact, I can remember last year watching the mom leave the nest for periods of time and the dad quickly hopped on the eggs to keep them warm and safe.

I look forward to watching these two work together this spring to raise their babies through the dirty window above my kitchen sink. That same sink that has seen a million dirty dishes from the family that my handsome husband and I are raising together in the beautiful place we call home.