Sunday, March 27, 2011

and the chicks came home

OK, I have never even considered writing a blog until now! But somehow it seems only appropriate since I have finally caved and allowed my handsome husband to bring Maxine, Lizzie and Samantha into our home. Yes, I said "into our home" because that is precisely where our 3 new feathered family members are currently living. In fact, they are right under my kitchen counter!

I should probably give you a little background on these chicks of ours. See, the handsome husband of mine started asking for chickens a couple of years ago and I consistently told him "I am not a bird person." But what I am is a Mom that wishes she could raise her family in the country and he does too. So throughout these past couple of years we have been looking for farmland to not only have chickens but find a place that my husband can get his hands in the dirt and cultivate the land.

Sadly even with a drop in house prices we just can't seem to find the right piece of land that provides my handsome husband with a commute under an hour. Then as fate would have it, our dreams started to change shape into something we already had. We have a backyard! In fact a beautiful backyard with more than enough space for our chickens to range free. And through one random facebook post a friend notified me that some new community garden plots were now available and we wouldn't have to wait the traditional one year to get in! So in a matter of one day two dreams were fulfilled.

Now back to our little feathered family members:

  Maxine is a Golden Sex Link and she will produce brown eggs.

Samantha is a Barred Plymouth Rock and she will produce brown eggs.
Lizzie is an Ameraucana and she will produce blue and green eggs!!She is also the diva of the bunch with her dark eyeliner. :)

 And I guess when my handsome husband asks for chickens, well he gets them! :)

1 comment:

  1. I love how you are teaching your children about the environment and I love the images you captured of the chicks. Can't wait to see how they grow.
